Heal the Sacral with Yoga, Yoni Eggs, and Yoni Steaming

If you are apart of our Facebook Group “ The Freedom Haus” then you’ve read some of the healing practices that I recommend for the Sacral. You know that I relate Sacral (Female Reproductive) issues to longtime energetic imbalances, and you have started to see a correlation between your physical imbalances and sexual related experiences. In an older blog, Feminine Power and Her Plight…” I connect the dots a bit on how Fibroids, PCOS, and other reproductive related imbalances may be directly connected to earlier experiences in life around sex and emotions. If you’re not familiar with the energy center that this corresponds to, its the Sacral or in Yoruba Medicine - this energy is governed by Yemoja.


The second orisha is located at the base of the lumbar spine. In esoteric traditions, it has been referred to as the "sacral" chakra. Yemoja is the seat of sexuality and the entire reproductive system. Yoruba priests, often associate this orisha with the expression of sensual emotion and sex energy. The type and intensity of the energy flowing through this center will determine the degree of emotional and sexual energy in a person's life. This energy can go in two directions, either negative or positive.

It was believed by the ancient Africans that our sex energy is an expression of the universal creative power of nature and God. Used correctly, it helps to achieve our spiritual and material goals in life. However, if this energy center is over-stimulated, it can have detrimental effects resulting in physiologic and psychological imbalances. For example, the positive emotional traits can be caring, benevolence, sweet manners, realization of the true Self, and caring for others to the highest levels of spirituality. On the other hand, the negative emotional traits are neglectfulness, indolence, uncaring, fearfulness, discontent, alcoholism, and the undermining of one's spiritual development.

I speak more about this to online members of The Freedom Haus and give amazing healing tips for those suffering from the physical complications such as Fibroid Tumors, PCOS, Infertility, and more. Click here to learn more about membership. In addition to an abundance of information, members of the online community enjoy monthly Yoni Yoga classes for free.

We make a call to the women of the world to walk the path of healing — to return to the ways of the Sacred Feminine: to look within to find the source of your feminine identity, essence and self. Look within to heal and find the truth of your voice, wisdom and heart. Once you’ve made the decision to fully heal your womb and connect to your divine feminine, you will want to incorporate a few things into your wellness journey.

  • Yoni Eggs

  • Yoni Steaming

  • Yoni Yoga

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Yes!!! It is the era of the Yoni. Yoni is the Sanskrit word for the female genitalia, the Womb and Vagina. It literally means “sacred place” and symbolizes our divine nature and its sacred portal to life. In ancient Chinese Taoist tradition it is also referred to as “golden lotus”, “gates of paradise”, “sexual palace”, “precious pearl”, “treasure”. How do you feel to refer to your vagina, to the depth of your body’s wisdom and intelligence as a “sacred place”? Would you prefer a step down and terms such as “p*ssy”, “down there”, ‘kitty” and so on…. Doesn’t this make you feel already absolutely magical and divine? I’ve used a yoni egg for several years. What I love most about incorporating Yoni Eggs into my monthly ritual is that it makes me infinitely aware of my personal beauty and strength. There’s something about it that draws you into yourself… to your center! I recommend reading through the Beginner’s Guide to Yoni Eggs so you can get a small glimpse of what you could gain from starting a Yoni Egg journey.

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A monthly Yoni Yoga class could enhance your Yoni Egg journey by 100%. Using the yoni egg while focusing your energy on the Sacral is amazing, plus the egg creates a resistence training effect that you can’t get with regular kegels. The benefits of incorporating a Yoni Yoga practice are:

  • Enhanced sexual pleasure

  • Increased self-awareness and self-love

  • Strengthening, tightening, and toning the pelvic floor

  • Balancing the mind and body during menopause

  • Increasing blood circulation and lubrication

  • Connecting to the sacred wisdom inside of you

Many of you don’t have a clue, but I am also dealing with my own struggles with balancing Sacral Energy. Sexual inhibitions growing up to heartache with cheating lovers has also left me imbalanced and fighting to connect to my worth through healing. I have done much work through the years, and can finally focus on shrinking the fibroids. I believe that the process must be holistic in order to ease the hold that the fibroids place on your Sacral. One of the things I did in addition to doing Yoni Yoga is doing a monthly Yoni Steam. The womb space is the creative center of ourselves and is associated with the sacral energy center. Too often we are disconnected from it, sadly neglecting it, or treating it with contempt of negativity, whether because of menstruation issues, menopause or hysterectomy. Or perhaps we are holding old fears and patterns that have come from our parents, or from early negative sexual experiences. Physically and energetically our wombs store emotional upsets/traumas affecting our natural cycles and digestive system, not mention the tension in our lower backs. When we shun our womb space we damage our creative flow. Gently steaming the yoni with healing herbs is a very simple, effective and ancient tradition. Generations of women from many indigenous cultures through centuries have been passing down this sacred ritual to energetically, emotionally and physically cleanse and nourish their yoni and awaken their Feminine Essence. During a Yoni Steam, you allow the warmth of selected and organic herbal steam to permeate and relax the sexual organs and womb. Click here to read more about Yoni Steaming at our facility or get the Home Yoni Steam Kit.

She is so bright and glorious that you cannot look at her face or her garments for the splendor with which she shines. For she is terrible with the terror of the avenging lightning, and gentle with the goodness of the bright sun; and both her terror and her gentleness are incomprehensible to humans.... But she is with everyone and in everyone, and so beautiful is her secret that no person can know the sweetness with which she sustains people, and spares them in inscrutable mercy.
— Hildegard von Bingen

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