Invoking Healing Powers of the Solar Plexus

By now you may have caught on to the fact that we break down disorders in an energetic way, attaching corresponding body parts/functions to energy centers. This month, we are focusing on the Digestive System and its relation to the governing energy center, the Solar Plexus. We also refer to this as Oshun (Orisha Internal).

The third energy center is Oshun which governs the solar-plexus/ or navel center. In the Yoruba context, Oshun symbolizes clarity , connection to intuition, digestion (of the physical and mental understanding), and flowing motion. This center is a common site of energy blockages and disease. It is here that many humans display behaviors of overindulges/ passions, wastefulness, craving for drugs, alcohol, carelessness, and narcissistic behavior. From an emotional and spiritual perspective, it is here that we link to our intuition and personal power. We think of personal power as having some control over one's life. This includes how people view themselves in relation to others 'such as employers, spouses, friends, and family. The inner feeling of powerlessness and a sense of a lack of control in one's life directly affects the energy flow through Oshun. Oshun is also a seat of anger, aggression, and other emotions. As the function Of Oshun is rooted in the animal spirit, it is directly in control of physical phenomena, especially the influences of instincts, emotions, and sensuous energies. These emotions are often connected to an individual's sense of personal power and the issues of how much control they have over their lives. Needless to say, this causes stress to manifest in the form of energy blockages in this center. Its physical counterpart is the pancreas. This gland secretes pancreatic juice, the enzymes of which help with the digestion of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. This center also governs the stomach, liver, gall bladder, spleen, adrenal glands, lumbar vertebrae, and the digestive system. The orisha Oshun supplies nutritive subtle energy to all of the major organs involved indigestion and purification. In the majority of people, it is found to be "over-stimulated", resulting in nervous disorders, stomach, gall bladder and liver diseases. Dysfunction of the digestive system is one of the most often causes of cancer. Certain reactions between this center and the heart causes congestion of the solar-plexus center. This has a profound effect upon the bloodstream and brings about a proliferation of tissue, creating growths and tumors of a malignant nature. Another widespread disease that is associated with the imbalance of Oshun is diabetes. The energetic aspects of diabetes is not addressed by conventional Western medicine, even though it is important in the process of this disease. Over-stimulation of this orisha is also connected with many kinds of skin eruptions, and leads to acne, eczema, discoloration, and ashy skin.

One of the ways we start to clear the Solar Energy Center is through addressing our emotional state. HERE I go into great detail about how to Affirm and clear this energy center. There are a few exercises that teach you how to move through Anger and other emotional states in order to clear the gut of blockages. These exercises include:

  • Being Mindful and Present with Negative emotions

  • Alleviate feelings of anger and resentment

  • Build resilience to your response to anger

But for now, I’d love for you to listen to the following and let me know what you think of this exercise.


Chamomile Raspberry Popsicles for Digestive Balance


Increasing Self Love + Compassion