Meditation 101

After this most recent Mercury Retrograde, I thought it’d be the perfect time to bring back Meditation 101. It was crazy right?! I’ve never needed my grounding practice more! 

So, you’ve heard about meditation? Maybe curious about it, but it feels unattainable? I get it! That is how I felt initially, and I said at least 27 times that it wasn’t for me. “My mind is too busy!” I said. However, that is exactly the point. To slow us down! And let me tell you, once I began a meditation practice, my life changed. I felt less stress, anxiety and the overall overwhelm that accompanies trying to do it all. I also experienced more clarity in my life. Good stuff right?! So, how about you give it a try? 

Here are some helpful tips to get you started:

Meditation is a Practice: The next time you tell yourself you can’t meditate, stop! Meditation is for everyone, and there’s no one size fits all method. Some days, you may be able to focus better than others, and that’s okay. Some days, you are able to sit with a calm mind, and some days you won’t. That’s okay. It will become easier once you incorporate it into your life more. There’s NO right or wrong way as long as it’s bringing you peace. 

Make Your Meditation Practice Yours: If sitting still cross-legged in a quiet room isn’t your jam today, that’s okay! Meditation is about being present and mindful. Whatever task you are doing, whether it be the dishes, laundry or going on a walk, try focusing only on your breath and what you are doing at that exact time. Put your phone down. Eventually, you will be able to take that practice into a more dedicated meditation routine. 

Create a Routine and an Environment: It is best to meditate everyday around the same time of day. Whatever fits you is the best time! Select a particular location in your home or outdoors to practice. If you don’t have room to dedicate an area, gather particular items that trigger a peaceful response in you. Certain aromas like lavender, lemon, and jasmine have calming properties to them and are great for meditation. Maybe you have certain items that you’d like surrounding you or would like music (I suggest instrumental only). Include all of that in your space, or place it on a tray or in a special box. When it’s time, get it out, and set it up to create an ambiance that calms you. This also triggers your mind and body to prepare for meditation. 

Prepare Your Body: Get yourself in a comfortable position. You can sit in a chair or be cross-legged on the ground, lay on your back or whichever other way you are comfortable. Just make sure you are not in a position where you are going to be focusing on any discomfort.

Now Breathe: Once in a comfortable position, close your eyes and begin to focus on your breath. Take in a deep breath through your nose filling up your belly, and then let it go slowly back out through your nose. You can also exhale through your mouth. Repeat this pattern until you begin to feel relaxed and then return to your normal breathing pattern if you wish. Continue to focus on your breath, and let your mind clear. If you find that you have a busy mind, that’s okay, try a guided meditation that you can listen to online- Laya’s cofounder LaToyia Mays has some AMAZING ones! Eventually, you will be able to train your mind to calm and clear for bits of time. Start out doing it for a few minutes or however long is comfortable! 

Give Yourself Grace: If you have a busy mind, it’s okay. Acknowledge those thoughts, and then let them go. They’ll be there when you’re done. This happens to most people, and again, it’s a practice! Your brain is like a muscle, and our brains are hardworking muscles! So, we must train them. We’re in an environment where we’re constantly inundated with stimulation, so it takes practice to calm and clear our minds. So, keep at it! Don’t get discouraged, and make it your own!  

Would you be interested in guided meditation classes?! We were providing them pre-Covid. It may be time to bring them back… 


Caitlin is a working mother of three and is dedicated to overall wellness for herself and family. After struggling with unhealthy patterns a lot of her life, Caitlin realized she needed to make a lot of changes to live her best life and provide a healthy household for her daughters. Through mindful living, making intentional choices and striving to grow each day, she has created a life that feels more empowered and free.

Inspired by the amazing outcome of living a healthier, more holistic lifestyle, she’s now dedicated to sharing her experience (and mistakes), knowledge and support with others! Already a Registered Nurse, she became a Certified Wellness Coach and created New Beginnings Wellness Coaching to help as many people as possible. Primarily working with women, she provides one-on-one Wellness Coaching, Group Coaching, online courses and meditation classes.

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