Are you having issues with anxiety? I think we all are to some degree! I know I’ve had bouts of it, but I’ve dealt with it on and off throughout my life.  I generally manage it with adequate sleep, exercise, yoga, meditation, prayer, clean eating and managing my brain. All of my practices are very effective, but I also have to practice them consistently. And let's be honest, at times, life gets in the way. Or, I get distracted or lazy...And y’all, what we’re dealing with now as a Collective is next level, and it’s essential for our mental health to be on point. So, along with the practices I mentioned, I want to share a few other things I do as well to ease my anxious mind and body.


Helpful Tips to Ease Anxiety (in no particular order):

1. Stop and breathe: Some moments, our breath is the only thing we can control. Start with that. If you can, sit down with your feet on the ground and take in a deep breath through your nose filling your belly and exhale through your nose. Do your best to only focus on your breath. Nothing else. In, Out. Repeat as many times as necessary.

2. Write it down: Anxiety is a feeling, and thoughts create our feelings (lightbulb moment). What are you thinking? Are you thinking about something in the future that's making you anxious? Are you supposed to be doing something that you're not (paying bills on time)? Are you living in a way that doesn't serve you? Are you trippin' about something that's not even in your control? Write it alllll down. Get it out of your head and onto paper. You can go really deep into this by then following it up with a "worst case scenario" for each issue or listing the next steps to resolving things that need to be taken care of. Just do what makes you feel better and brings peace. Check out our Rituals & Wellness Journal or go deeper into Shadow Work with our owner’s very own Ojiji (Shadow) workbook and Tarot Deck.

3. Move: When my anxiety is ramped up, it’s not only a mental burden, I can feel it physically. One of the best ways to disperse that energy is to move it along. BYEEEE. Go on a walk. Run. Do a full workout. Do yoga. Clean the house. Just move the energy in your body.

4. Practice some self-care: Look into energy work, book a massage, sit in a sauna to detox (The Laya Center has a TON of options!!) Do something to nurture and relax your physical body. Have you ever heard of Shirodhara? Laya’s take on this Ayurvedic treatment involves Cranial Sacral therapy followed by continuous oil pouring technique over the Pituitary Gland (third eye) in order to reduce stress.

5. Run some relaxing essential oils/try some Herbs: Lavender, rose, frankincense, vanilla, geranium, jasmine, sandalwood to name a few oils. And, there are also non-pharmaceutical options to help you naturally relax. Talk to a trusted Herbalist (Again, at Laya)! Check out our list of herbal remedies for Anxiety below.

6. Talk to someone you trust: Connection always makes us feel better. Reach out!

7. Do not reach for a “quick fix”: Do you know what my favorite “Easy” buttons are? A glass (or 2) of wine, busying myself so I don’t have time to think, Netflix, shopping… I do love things that don’t require me to actually deal with the difficult things, but there’s always a consequence. And, dang it, the anxiety always resurfaces. Generally, it’s more intense. So, why not address things head on? Easier said than done, but you’ll thank yourself later. This is also self-care.

Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength.
— Charles Spurgeon

Herbs for Anxiety

Hawthorn Berry


Antioxidants help neutralize unstable molecules called free radicals that can harm your body when they are present at high levels. These molecules can come from poor diet, as well as environmental toxins like air pollution and cigarette smoke.



Skullcap is a key herb to soothe the symptoms of drug and alcohol withdrawal. It eases the physical symptoms of withdrawal like muscle aches, shakiness, twitches, digestive distress, agitation, and poor quality sleep (all common signs of a hyper nervous system and muscle function in withdrawal).

With the ability to calm overactive stress responses and relax the mind and body, Skullcap acts as a mild sedative, making it an extremely useful herb for people quitting alcohol or benzodiazepine drugs (tranquilizers). Once the crisis stage is over, Skullcap can even decrease cravings for addictive substances.



Shatavari, also known as satavari, satavar, or Asparagus racemosus (A. racemosus), is said to promote fertility and have a range of health benefits, particularly for the female reproductive system. The herb is thought to be adaptogenic, which means that it may help to regulate the body’s systems and improve resistance to stress.



This supplement can reduce anxiety and stress, help fight depression, boost fertility and testosterone in men, and even boost brain function. Supplementing with ashwagandha may be an easy and effective way to improve your health and quality of life.



The health benefits of echinacea include its ability to boost the immune system, prevent cancer, cure upper respiratory issues, eliminate bacterial and viral infections, reduce inflammation, treat skin conditions, speed healing and recovery, regulate blood sugar levels, treat anxiety, boost oral health, as well as eliminate ear infections and prevent their reoccurrence.

Gotu Kola


The most interesting health benefits of Gotu kola include its ability to prevent hair loss, speed wound healing, aid in skin care, boost cognition, soothe nervous disorders, alleviate respiratory issues, reduce toxicity, protect the heart, enhance mood, and heal the circulatory system.

Take or leave any of these tips! As always, you do you. Trust your intuition and do what feels right. To find these herbs in capsule form, visit the Stress & Anxiety Relief section of our Online Apothecary. There you will also find additional products and several of our curated formulas. Click the link below.


Caitlin is a working mother of three and is dedicated to overall wellness for herself and family. After struggling with unhealthy patterns a lot of her life, Caitlin realized she needed to make a lot of changes to live her best life and provide a healthy household for her daughters. Through mindful living, making intentional choices and striving to grow each day, she has created a life that feels more empowered and free.

Inspired by the amazing outcome of living a healthier, more holistic lifestyle, she’s now dedicated to sharing her experience (and mistakes), knowledge and support with others! Already a Registered Nurse, she became a Certified Wellness Coach and created New Beginnings Wellness Coaching to help as many people as possible. Primarily working with women, she provides one-on-one Wellness Coaching, Group Coaching, online courses and meditation classes.



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