The Laya Center - Afrivedic Wellness

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The Air Element: Lift Yourself To New Heights.

Air lifts us up to seeing with new eyes. When air is in balance, your mind is free and flexible. You mentally travel and explore, allowing new ideas to widen your horizon.

Are you constantly feeling heavy? Do you feel like you never get enough sleep? Are you too attached to or possessive of things and people? Do you constantly struggle with weight issues? Do you find yourself ‘stuck’ creatively? Are you constantly congested, have allergies, or breathing problems? Do you suffer from rashes and inflammatory problems?


Element: Air

Description: An intangible force that initiates the universe into motion. Responsible for the movement of blood through vasculature to the movement of planets around their suns.

Sensory Organs: Skin/touch

Qualities: rough, dry, pressure

The air element is expressed through thoughts, currents, and the nervous system. It's associated with synapses firing in the brain, and oxygen flowing into the lungs and bloodstream. This element is about the breath, and seeking inspiration, a word that means "breathing in." Its home territory is the vast mental field, where "thoughts are things" that create the tangible outline of our lives.

Everything on Earth, including you, is composed of a unique combination of all 5 elements, starting with the atoms and moving up. Ether (or Space), Air, Fire, Water & Earth are not meant literally, they are representations of essential universal principles that are inherent to each specific element. In Ayurveda, the Tridoshas are the three fundamental biological forces; each is composed of two of the five elements. All 3 are present, in different relative proportions, in every individual. The doshas are the three primary life energies that govern all psychological and physiological processes. The individual is at optimal health when the three doshas exist in their naturally balanced states. Maintenance of this unique balance will facilitate health, while unnatural excess disrupts the balance and leads to illness.

When we think of Air and Space, we think of the sky right? Well that concept related to the human body is defined by “That which moves things.” These combined make up the Vata dosha. Vata is the moving force behind Kapha and Pitta. It is responsible for perception (senses), body motion, function, and the passage of thoughts.

In order to keep the body going, metabolism moving, energy flowing, thoughts streaming… we must balance this dosha. When there is too little air - It's hard to see yourself with any objectivity. You're apathetic, bored. You don't see a point to what you're doing.

Ways to Bring Air Balance Into Your Life

  • Spend some time watching clouds

  • Plant flowers or start a herb garden indoors

  • Sit and watch an animal or bug in nature

  • Spend some time bird watching, draw them to your home

  • Sage your space

  • Open the windows on fresh air days

  • Seek out a high perch with a view to the horizon

  • Breathing meditation (following the breath)

  • Light a candle and manifest as it burns

  • Work out, bringing oxygen to the cells

  • Take a beginner's course in something that fascinates you

  • Keep a journal as a tangible record of your thoughts

  • Bring wind chimes into your garden or play vibrational sounds in your home

Other Ideas

  • Try Qigong, a meditative martial art practice

  • Experiment with aromatherapy

  • Do Cryotherapy

  • Incorporate spicy, bitter, dry, astringent, cold foods in winter

  • Making sure you get plenty of time with no set agenda

It's exhilarating to break through old ways of thinking because that sets real external change in motion. Air brings emotional detachment, and that helps you make good decisions. When the air is moving, it makes for lively sociability, and keeps you curious and always learning.

To learn more about True Whole Body Cryotherapy™ and our unique chamber, click here! Did you know that our Memberships were based on the balancing of Elements within the body? By incorporating integrative technology fused with ancient forms of healing, we have accomplished an ecosystem to help you maintain optimal health.

Air Member

$105 a month

Massage or Facial + Cryo Every Month

(usually $120 = saves $15)