The Laya Center - Afrivedic Wellness

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5 Ways to Ease Into a New Beginning

 In celebration of the Laya Center’s upcoming new space, a fast approaching new season and just the overarching theme of this past year and a half, I wanted to come to you with some words about New Beginnings.

You see, New Beginnings always signify the end of something. Some New Beginnings are welcomed and some not so much. Regardless, New Beginnings naturally come with some trepidation.

As human beings, we like comfort and safety. I mean that’s valid right?! Unfortunately, our brains really haven’t evolved a whole lot from the time when we were hanging out in caves and running from sabertooth tigers. So now, when we are moving out of our comfort zones or trying something new, our brain sends out all the red flags and sirens. And if you are anything like me, this literally makes me second-guess what I’m doing and gives me anxiety, even if intuitively I know that it is the next right step in my own personal evolution. 

Whether you are starting a new job, a new relationship (or single status) or moving into a new space, know that even the right steps can feel overwhelming and scary. It does NOT mean you’re making the wrong choice, and I want to give you a few tips to ease your overprotective and dramatic brain. 

  1. Find Clarity and Your “Why”.  When making the choice to start something new, it is so important to find clarity and your “why” first. Sometimes this is easy, and you can pinpoint it. Other times, it truly could just be a feeling that it is time to move on. If you didn’t make the choice to start something new, you can still choose to look for clarity. Like asking “why” was I put in that situation? What did I learn? How did I grow? I’ve found it helpful to ease the pain of an unwanted situation by finding some sort of meaning attached to it. 

  2. Get Still (or Active) & Eliminate Distractions. Whether a quiet meditation is your jam or maybe clarity comes more through movement, find what works for you. Maybe it’s both. I have a dedicated silent meditation practice, but some of my best ideas and answers come to me when I’m hiking or doing a weight class. Regardless, eliminating distractions like the phone and TV is a game changer. You’ll be amazed at the peace and clarity you experience without a muddled brain. 

  3. Write Down Your Thoughts. Jot down the pros and cons of a new step. Write down the worst possible scenario and what you’d do to handle that. Write down the BEST possible scenario and imagine what that would feel like (that’s also part of manifesting). Write down your feelings. All of them. Getting allllll the thoughts, allllll the things out of your brain and onto paper does wonders to ease the mind. Plus, I bet you’ll feel lighter and more at ease. 

  4. Talk it Out. Friends, and I don’t say this lightly, choose wisely who you share your dreams with, your fears, your next steps, your triggers, your traumas. Change freaks people out, and when we decide to make changes or have changes happen unexpectedly, even the people who love us the most can act a fool. Not all support is created equal. So, find someone trustworthy, or someone who has been in your shoes and did whatever the thing is in a healthy way, or a professional. 

  5. Clear Out Negative and Stagnant Energy. Oftentimes, New Beginnings will come after a less than desirable situation. Not always, sometimes it’s just growth related. However, a beginning always follows an ending. With that can come grief. That’s okay. Sit in it, process it. It's the negative and stagnant energy that we want to clear. Out with the old patterns, thought processes and the bad energy. Get the Chakras aligned and start feeling like yourself again! My favorite way? Energy Healing! In with the Good Vibes!

At the end of the day, the only person who knows what is best for you is YOU. Trust yourself, and start learning how to decipher what is really true and what is just an archaic thought process. Go back to your “Why”. Go inside yourself as much as possible. Breathe. New Beginnings can be magical, so trust in the process and let it flow!