The Laya Center - Afrivedic Wellness

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Cryotherapy For Celiac & Autoimmune Diseases.

We all have an immune system, a network of cells and organs that exist to differentiate which “bodies” and processes are part of you and which are essentially foreign “invaders”. Under certain conditions, some people experience sort of a “glitch in the system” where their body is unable to tell the difference between the two. This results in your body making autoantibodies that attack normal cells in error while the regulatory T cells that normally perform that “tell the difference” function, fail to do so, which results in your immune system being weakened and “attacked”. This causes the damage, or what call an autoimmune disease. With over 100 known types of such diseases, the body part(s) that get affected depend(s) on the type of the disease.

Below are our 7 True Whole Body Cryotherapy™ immune system facts about autoimmune diseases that will help you make a decision whether our unique Cryotherapy treatment is a right choice for you:

1. Autoimmune Diseases Are More Common Than You May Think.

Affecting over 23.5 million Americans with some conditions being common (such as Hashimoto’s disease among others) and some rare, autoimmune diseases are one of the leading causes of death and disability. In addition to Cryotherapy, our Heerbalists may be able to help.

2. Some People Are More Predisposed and Affected Than Others.

While autoimmune diseases can technically affect almost anyone, the following groups of people are at greater risk.

Women in their 20’s- late 30’s (childbearing age)

Statistically, women are more susceptible than men to be affected by autoimmune diseases, with onsets often starting during their childbearing years from around 20’s to late 30’s.
People of certain ethnicities and races

Certain groups of people are known to be more affected than others. For example, Caucasians are statistically more prone to type 1 diabetes while African-American and Hispanic people are more likely to be affected by Lupus.
People with inherited genes

While people with a family history of immune system problems can be more likely to get an autoimmune disease, it is actually a combination of autoimmune diseases-related genes and other factors that may actually trigger the onset of the disease. Also, while some conditions such as lupus and multiple sclerosis can run in entire families, in many cases different family members may be affected by different diseases instead of the same one. The key link here is weakened immune system that has a predisposition to autoimmune conditions.
People exposed to certain environmental factors

Exposure to chemicals such as solvents and other toxins, bacterial and viral infections have been linked to numerous autoimmune diseases. Interestingly, even sunlight can lead to an increased sensitivity in some people. Environmental factors may either cause or worsen the condition.

3. Cryotherapy Immune System Treatments May Help Autoimmune Diseases.

Whole Body Cryotherapy has shown success in reducing discomfort and pain symptoms associated with autoimmune diseases, as well as overall immune system boost that promotes faster healing. The fact that humans have evolved from the glacial (ice age), the genetic adaptation to cold is the likely in-depth reason that cryotherapy immune system treatments are able to induce homeostatic responses from our bodies’ regulatory mechanisms.

After checking the list of contraindications and signing the consent form, the patient wearing dry socks, special booties, gloves and underwear, gets into the pre-cooled and dried Cryo Chamber. The chamber at The Laya Center is non-gaseous and all-inclusive to treat the head, without the risk of a frostbite.

4. Cryotherapy Immune System Treatment Temperature Matters.

Older, less physically active WBC users with autoimmune diseases, or those with severe aches or less tolerant of cold, can achieve a plausible immune system boost response with a slightly milder treatment plan consisting of shorter duration of Cryo sessions.

5. Improvements in Pain in Joints and Muscles Begin Immediately.

Immediately after even the very first 2 – 3-minute Cryotherapy immune system boosting session, the majority of our clients experience noticeable improvements in pain and joint discomfort that lasts for several hours. A reduction in joint edema is also notable. Most often, customers also generally experience an endorphin release that otherwise would typically be experienced after intense exercise.

6. Every Immune System Component Gets a Boost.

The body’s initial response to WBC induces an intense sympathetic nervous system reaction causing a dramatic parasympathetic rebound.

The circulatory system then undergoes a dramatic peripheral vasoconstriction followed by strong rebound vasodilation. Due to vascular permeability, the peripheral vascular tone gets improved while reducing histamine release.

The neuromuscular system’s response leads to a decrease in troponin I, edema and creatine kinase.

7. Positive Cryotherapy Immune System Responses.

Here are more medical terms that identify further cryotherapy immune system benefits for autoimmune disorders: increased white blood cell counts and anti-inflammatory cytokines, β-endorphins, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), noradrenaline, pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) concentrations (in endocrine system), and lowered pro-inflammatory prostaglandin.