The Laya Center - Afrivedic Wellness

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Feminine Power & Her Plight: Let's Get Real About The Female Reproductive System

Well damn! Though it isn’t the only thing we do to contribute to this world, giving birth to it surely is an important one! But why is it that this thing that makes us so powerful in a sense, can also debilitate us? There have been much chatter about women protecting their bodies, having certain rights, and the pains of childbirth… but we need to talk about the plight of the Female Reproductive System.

I have quite a few clients now that come to me for alternative methods of healing Endometriosis, Fibrocystic Breasts, and Uterine Fibroids. But why is this so on the hush? There are so many women that come through my center, or that never make it but submit a Wellness Assessment. These women have everything from painful menstrual cycles to being fully diagnosed with one of the above stated illnesses. They have one common request… HELP! With just a few changes and a great herbalist, you would be surprised just how much we actually could help. But lets break it down…

The Complications

Endometriosis is the abnormal growth of cells that form in the lining of the uterus. Some of these cells may, instead of being expelled from the body during the menstrual process, actually end up continuing their cycle elsewhere in the body. Then they have no way of leaving and get trapped in the lower abdomen, attaching themselves to other organs such as the ovaries or the bowels. When this happens, it can produce a host of other issues, and pain Pain PAIN is at the top of the list! Fibrocystic breast disease is a noncancerous condition characterized by the presence of cysts, or lumps, in the breasts. Normally, fluids from the breasts are collected and pumped through the body’s lymphatic system. However, if there is more fluid than the system can cope with, or if the lymphatic system is compromised, small spaces in the breasts fill up with fluid. Fibrous tissue surrounds them and thickens like a scar, which makes it hard for blood to flow to that area. Blood flow is essential for healing and keeping up with the body’s natural way of doing things. Uterine Fibroids are benign growths that can form on the interior muscular wall as well as the exterior of the uterus. This disorder involves the uterus, and sometimes even the cervix. Here, though they are called fibroids, the tumors are not fibrous. They are abnormal muscle cells and their position within the uterus determines what they are called.

The Energies

But lets back up for a minute. I always tell my clients that every physical manifestation had an energetic one first. So this means that we may think that we are dealing with the physical dis-ease of the female reproductive system, but way before that there could have been some real trauma and those energies settled in the Sacral region of your body. In what we have come to know as the Chakra system, the Sacral Chakra is the second chakra. It is the center of feeling, emotion, pleasure, sensuality, intimacy, and connection. The energy of this chakra allows you to let go, to move, and to feel change and transformation occurring within your body. It allows you to experience this moment as it is, in its own fullness. Hmmmm. When did you learn how to connect to sensuality? Do you even know how to now? I must say that this was not something that I learned from the elders in my family. The only rhetoric deeply expressed to me was “Don’t be being fast out there with them boys.” I mean… what exactly does that mean anyway? Isn’t sexual attraction a normal occurrence? What do you do with the feelings if you don’t express them and what is “right?”

Then there is the negative acts that happen, revolving around sexuality and emotion. Were you violated or traumatized and the feeling of intimacy mixed with the emotion of fear? What energies lay dormant in the Sacral that may have had a small hand in creating this imbalance? We’ve accepted that mindset is everything right? That anger can attribute to certain diseases… the energy of it! Are we discussing the negative encounters that females face as it relates to her health problems? What if the negative encounters that a woman has faced throughout her life have led to the physical manifestations of dis-ease and imbalance?

In my African healing studies, I have found some similarities between the Yoruba medicine and the well known Chakra system. These systems have shown me how to look at the physical body and see the mental and etheric body. So here is what I learned… If the second energy center is overstimulated (what comes to mind when you think overstimulated?), it can lead to detrimental effects resulting in physiological and psychological imbalances. I like to use the word imbalances because everything has a balance. There can be no good without bad. The physical correspondence associated with your Sacral relate to the hormonal function of the leydig cells within the testes and ovaries. Leydig cells produce the hormone testosterone, which is connected to libido. This also has a connection to the gonads and the urinary tract. When there are blockages or other type of imbalances, manifestations such as colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, bladder tumors, malabsorption, diseases of the small intestines, dysfunction of the sex organs such as infertility, menstrual problems, prostatitis, anemia, edema, and low back pains.

The Healing

There are herbs, therapies, and even nutritional changes that you can make to help your body start to heal from these imbalances. The main form of medicine in order to heal will be your mindset. You are your own healer, and with a bit of the right advice and guidance, you can overcome any disorder. Here are the main 3 steps you are looking to take when updating your Nutritive plan.

Look for ways to enhance your immune system, increase the amount of antioxidants you’re getting, eliminate toxins, increase iron naturally, and get some Vitamin D from a natural source. Since your digestive system may have been compromised along the way, it will be wise to do a cleanse and get a food list that will put your gut in check. No matter what you do, if your body can’t absorb what it needs… you won’t get better.

If you need guidance, I’m here for you! Stay tuned for my Self-Healing Systems. I will teach you how to recognize your HERO herbs, implement mindfulness into your routine, dance and move your body for healing your imbalance, and more!

If you live near KCMO, stop by our wellness center for your wellness needs. There are many detoxification services, plus we do Yoni Steaming. I can’t tell you how many women we’ve helped with those steams, women with Fibroids and Endometriosis. Your plight does not have to be your life!